Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Midweek Inspiration Strikes Again!

Happy Wednesday,

So I had a bit of free time this evening so I ventured out into the 'Scrap Haven'. First I made a set of 6. 

Nothing too fancy here. Just some vibrant paper, a little ribbon, and some puffy flower stickers for embellishment. This is one of my lazier cards, would you believe it?

Then, I decided it was time to try and recreate a card I had found on Pinterest as inspiration. Here is the original:

Looks can be deceiving, because when I tried one this way, I really didn't like it at all. But then I decided to try it in a different way. Here is the result:

I started up the Cricut, hooked on a marker, and I was off! I liked it with just the saying and buttons, but it was indeed missing something. So that's when I pulled out my trusty Hemp string and made a bow. (Again, I use this stuff frequently, I think I have an issue.)

I sought constructive criticism and feedback from friends and family. It got great feedback. The only thing that needs to be fixed is the '1'. And for that, I will rely on my trusty sharpie to make it darker. I really can't wait to make the rest of these!

And, in the midst of the feedback I was getting, I got my first order of the season! I was very excited. 

Looks like it's going to be a good 'creative' weekend after all!

That's all for tonight,


  1. very nice! Congratulations on your first order of the season!

  2. Thanks Valerie! I was very excited to mail them all off the other morning.
