Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sweet Sentiments

Just me again! 

I finally created the last handful of cards I needed to fill up my 2nd 'Birthday' box. It's so easy to keep the cards inside of photo storage boxes, and that helps me see what I have and what I need. Needless to say, I was excited to move on to a new box. This time, I pulled the 'Get Well' box down to fill up! 

While visiting my dear friend Valerie this past week I got the chance to dig through some of her amazing stamps. She has a wide assortment of Phyllis Harris stamps that just take your breath away. For this card, I chose one piece to a set that I could not take my mind off of:
There was just something about this dog. Did he remind me of my past dogs? Or was it just the genuine expression and gesture he shared?

I stamped him 6 times and picked up my Copics to color him in. The more I colored, the more he pulled at my heart. Here is how the finished product turned out:

I stuck with the brown and red that I had colored the dog with. I added a sweet 'Feel Better' sentiment and then popped the dog with dimensional foam squares. I struggled to not put red ribbon on this card, but in the end I decided the finished piece was sweet the way it was! 

I think this is one of my absolute top 10 favorite cards I've made. The dog just strikes me, and the simplicity, and the fact that now I have a chance to pull my love for coloring into my cards. I was thankful to Valerie for sharing her stamps with me. 

I'm looking forward to this new change of scenery, and I can't wait to fill up this box  with sweet sentiments!

Until next time,


  1. I must say it's my favorite too! Well done my friend!

    1. Thank you, I just can't take my eyes off this card! Thank you for lending me your stamp! Hope you saw my Adventures with Valerie post, it's two posts back ;)
