Wednesday, May 13, 2015


It's been a while, huh?

Hope all has been well with you! I, for the most part, am doing just fine myself. 

School is over, and I'm beyond pleased with the final grades! 

So, as per my usual routine, my first week off has been spent enjoying a well deserved rest! 

I've started a diet as well. It began the day after my last final, and I've been at it for one week now. I'm overweight by the books, but my frame hides it well. 5 lbs. down so far, 20 more to go! 

The rather active tornado season has also continued. Last time we spoke I had just spent some time in a bathroom. Unfortunately we had another close call, in fact, it was closer, and more dangerous too. On Saturday (5/9/15) we got to see this bad boy come too close for comfort. 

My house is roughly where the white x is. Notice the lovely 'shrimp' shape in the red? That's the rotation...

Like I said, closer and more frightening than before. Luckily we remained unscathed, but several lost their lives in surrounding communities. I am eagerly awaiting what rating this cyclone will receive. 

But with the continuous onslaught of storms, we've gotten bountiful rain. Our lakes are filling up quickly and pulling us out of a long drought. And flash flooding has taken place. 

I've made some cards recently, and I'm looking forward to sharing them soon. 

Take care,

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for being through with school for the summer! Hopefully we can connect and create! That was a crazy bad storm! so glad all is well in your world! we dodged the bullet on that one! I am so excited about our water source filling up!
