Sunday, May 17, 2015


Checking in from the weekend!

I had decided earlier in the week that I needed to go spend some time at my LSS (local scrapbooking store). So I let Cat know that she could count me in for the always entertaining 12 hour scrap on Saturday! 

I woke up that morning and packed my food for the day. This diet/lifestyle change has been a big deal and I knew I had to stick to it, even with a day of temptation ahead. Once my food was ready I ran to my "Scrap Haven" and packed up all that I would need. I managed to leave at 10:30, not too bad timing for myself, and I was on my way. 

You see, usually I have a slew of ladies that I mingle and laugh with. Nanci, Cat, Valerie, Patrice, and Shaunery are always such a riot to be around. But, they were all absent from the fun that day. The only soul there that I even somewhat knew was Marilyn. And since the usual ladies were gone, I got VIP seating across from Marilyn at Cat's usual table! 

I have to admit, I wasn't feeling super inspired today, so I started off slow: 

I had bought this fabulous 'Trendy Tape' at Cat's the month before, and this was exactly what I had hoped to do with it! Just the jumpstart I needed. 

Haha but poor Marilyn must have sat and stared at her things longer than I had that day. She did eventually get it together, and we had fun showing one another the things we were working on. 

Marilyn and I talked for a long while, and I truly enjoyed her company. I shared some of my mother's work with her and she even shared some special things with me too. 

At some point I put on Valerie's apron. Boy oh boy I missed her today!

Enjoying this time with Marilyn reminded me of some very special times spent with my dear friend Valerie. Hopefully she and I can connect again soon and let our creativity flow!

Getting out of the house and scrapping was EXACTLY what I had needed. And the great company that I found with Marilyn was an added bonus. 

More later,


  1. awe! You look so cute wearing that apron! I just hate I wasn't there that day but glad you had some Marilyn time! I love that lady! Yes we must try to connect this summer. I will be at the store Saturday! suppose you can come then?! Oh great looking card! I need to get out my trendy (washi) tape. I think I"ve just been collecting it!

  2. I'm sorry we missed eachother. I figured wearing your apron was as close as I could get until we scheduled our next appointment. Marilyn was a hoot to hang out with, I was glad to have a partner in crime that day. So glad I got to come by and see you today!
